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Business Management Traineeship bij Fluor

Bedrijf: Fluor
Sluit: 28-05-2017

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Business Management Traineeship 2017

Some aspects of business management can only be learnt on the job. This is why Fluor Amsterdam offers you an opportunity to develop your social and leadership skills, while providing services in important project management areas such as:
  • Procurement
  • Contract Management
  • Estimating
  • Cost Control
  • Planning
  • Risk Management
The program starts every year on 1 September and consists of four rotational assignments of 9 months each that will expose you to different functional roles. At least one assignment will be a placement on an (international) project site or office.
Successful completion of this first phase offers you access to a second phase where you will further develop your professional skills via a fast track to a future leadership position within Fluor.


Basic Job Requirements You are invited to apply when you have a
Bachelor degree in a technical field, preferably:
  • Civil Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Master degree(!), either technical or business / management related
  • Understanding of, and interest in the Chemical and Oil & Gas industry
  • No more than 2 years of relevant work experience
  • You are currently residing in the Netherlands
  • Resolution to commit to a 3-year program
(!) Degree must have been obtained prior to starting date of 1 September 2017

Preferred Qualifications Please Note

The selection interviews for this position will start between May and July 2017. Qualified candidates will receive communication and instructions well ahead of time.
Degree Required: Yes
City (or Nearest City): Amsterdam
State/Province: *TBD
Country: Netherlands

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Maartje van Pelt
Corporate Recruiter

Postbus 1381
2130 EL Hoofddorp

023 - 543 2045
[email protected]

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