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Chemical Engineer - Pipeline Development Program bij Hexion

Bedrijf: Hexion
Sluit: 28-06-2015

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Chemical Engineer - Pipeline Development Program

Job overview:

Exciting opportunity for a recent graduate to learn and develop through a 24-30 month rotational program. The Pipeline Development Program introduces the ins-and-outs of a dynamic chemical manufacturing business while encouraging personal and professional growth.

The program provides 3-5 assignments lasting 4-6 months each to explore different aspects of the business to ultimately find permanent placement in a role based on personal ambitions and capabilities. Throughout the assignments you will be exposed to different technical and engineering aspects of our company in the departments of Process Technology & Development (PT&D), Projects & Engineering, Product Application & Development, Research & Development and Manufacturing.

Chemical Engineer Pipeline Development Program

Job responsibilities:
  • You will handle projects under the guidance of a Mentor, assigned to your specific assignment. The project assignments will help you gain insight into global and local business, while being involved in daily operations;
  • Continued On-the-Job Training will enhance your professional and personal development. Training may include Six Sigma (if not already subject of one of your assignments), Leadership Essentials, Finance Basics, Presentation Skills, TRIZ, and Root Cause Analysis;
  • You will be assigned to a personal Sponsor who will help you achieve your individual goals through personal advice during the program. Regular performance review sessions during and after each assignment will occur to steer your development;
  • Personal Development Plan. This is a tool for you to identify and communicate your personal learning and development goals. Eventually, by means of a Reflection Report you will look back on the accomplishment of your personal (learning)goals and professional development.
Minimum qualifications:
  • Minimum Bachelor’s of Science in Chemical Engineering;
  • Must be in good academic standing;
  • Between 0 and 2 years of working experience in the chemical industry;
  • Must be eligible to obtain a Transportation Worker’s Identification Card (TWIC).
Preferred qualifications:
  • Passionate about finding creative solutions and have a ‘can do’ attitude;
  • Good business sense and an entrepreneurial spiritExcellent analytical skills and are critical about data;
  • Leadership potential and excellent verbal and written communication skills Hands-on mentality, a pragmatic view of life, and be self-driven.

Company overview:

Based in Columbus, Ohio, Hexion Inc. is the global leader in thermoset resins. Through a broad range of thermoset technologies and specialty products, Hexion serves and supports customers in a diverse range of applications and industries. Hexion materials are found in products that touch nearly every facet of modern living.

At Hexion, we believe that leadership begins with integrity, ethics and environmentally sound operations. When you work for Hexion, you are partnering with a company that is not only focused on delivering value but on doing it in a safe, ethical and environmentally responsible manner.

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Nils Bakker
EU Staffing Leader

Seattleweg 17
3195 ND Rotterdam

+31 10 295 4509
[email protected]

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