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Civiele techniek ontmoet automatisering: ontwerpen van een constructie database bij Fluor

Bedrijf: Fluor
Sluit: 31-01-2014

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Development of a Global Database for Construction Technical Services
Introduction (location: Haarlem)

The internship is intended to get the person familiar with the global industry Fluor works in, and that this not only covers careers within an office location, but also worldwide on construction sites. The Construction Technical Services (CTS) department, which supports a large number of activities on construction sites on a global level, is part of Fluor Global Services. The activities assigned to the intern will require good communication skills in English, Dutch and preferably in German as well. Under guidance international contacts will need to be made with various representatives in the global offices to achieve the required goal. A combination of Technical Skills, knowledge of various forms of 2D CAD, MS Office products and IT/Automation skills is required to be able to fulfill the program objectives.


To create a flexible database / web based system to be used to register construction equipment and link directly to a .PDF, 3D PDF, and/or .dgn, .dwg files or possible other formats. An easily maintainable and easy to use system / database is required which will function as a repository or reference system to / for the required data.


One of the initiatives within CTS is to collect all data files of cranes, trucks, equipment etc. available within the global offices and register this in an Access (database) / Excel (database) / Web based solution with locations, descriptions etc. to be made available for use to all offices.

Hyperlink the required data within an Access / Excel database, creating quick search functions and easy to use options to filter data when required.
When no data is available, possible contacts will need to be made with vendors to see if this data can be obtained via internet and/or supplied by vendors. A large amount of this data is used within various departments in Fluor for construction and also within the 3D design products which are used within engineering.
Extend the libraries presently available by approaching vendors to supply more up to date information on equipment. Liaison required local global offices to take the required action and put in central location.

Desired end product

Fully functional database / web browser with easy search capabilities and filters, and minimum maintenance for future expansion.


3-4 months

Start: as soon as possible

Recruiter contact: [email protected]

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Maartje van Pelt
Corporate Recruiter

Surinameweg 17
2003 EJ Haarlem

023 - 453 2045
[email protected]

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