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Young Professional Programme IT - EN bij Rabobank

Bedrijf: Rabobank
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Young Professional Program IT (EN)

Review Your Opportunities

When the world is your oyster, there is no limit to what you can achieve. For graduates with in-depth knowledge of their field who are service oriented, have a strong cooperative ability and take a smart approach to complex problems, anything is possible. Choosing the right career path is a real challenge. So come to Rabobank! Our Young Professional Program IT is designed to help you climb to the top of your field. Rabobank is a bank that feels responsible for its clients and for our society. And it is an employer that offers employees a chance to make a difference their way, and to be the best they can be.

Do you like choosing what to work on? You can! The Young Professional Program IT offers participants the unique opportunity to start making their ambitions reality from the first day on the job.  Whether it's developing tangible products, like the Rabobank Banking App, or doing a deep dive into our digital services' complex architecture, anything is possible, because here, you decide. In addition to developing specialist talent, Rabobank gives YPP participants personal development opportunities too.

There are now job opportunities for junior developers, data engineers, and business analysts.

Reset Your Thinking

A positive view of the banking sector is relatively rare, so maybe you haven't even considered working for a bank.  But it's worth considering that Rabobank could be a place where you can have an impact and start making the world a better place from your first day on the job. If you're considering Rabobank, you probably already know that we provide financial services to more than 8.5 million customers in 40 countries. But you may not realize how seriously we take our social responsibility.  In at least 101 ways. Here are a few concrete examples:

  • We sponsor Kunstbende and Lowlands festival to demonstrate how valuable we believe culture is to society.
  • Rabobank has been climate neutral since 2007. We see each day as a new opportunity to create a more sustainable living environment. We encourage our colleagues to use public transportation for their commute to work and we only use green energy.
  • Rabobank is a partner of NOC*NSF/Team NL. The (Paralympic) athletic heroes of TeamNL are an inspiration to millions of people who participate in team sports.  These athletes are living proof that clubs and associations can be the starting point of a promising career.

Surprised? Don't be. It's Rabobank.

Rethink Where Your Career Starts

Rabobank encourages employees to be the best they can be. Our Young Professional Program IT provides an opportunity to become an expert in IT at Rabobank during a period of one and a half years. There are 30 places for young professionals in this program. A buddy system provides trainees with help in finding their way around the bank. Trainees also receive coaching from a talent manager and guidance from their own mentor.

Is it possible to become a full-fledged specialist in just 18 months? It is at Rabobank. Participants spend every week with other Young Professionals, taking training courses, running projects and developing skills. Who knows, you could even be the one to implement one of our team's banking apps abroad. Or maybe coming up with a breakthrough market analysis is more your style. Anything is possible!

Respond to New Opportunities

Does this sound like an opportunity you don't want to miss? Your talents and your personality make you unique. They'd be a great fit for Rabobank. Especially if you're skilled at giving critical advice, are tenacious, focused, and have the enthusiasm needed to do your best in any situation. The following prerequisites are also important:

  • you have completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree, preferably in IT or another STEM field. What matters most to us is that you can demonstrate your connection to IT or digital technologies. Perhaps programming was a part of your degree, one you found so exciting that you regularly spent or spend your free time learning more about it. We'd love to hear your story;
  • approx. 0 to 2 years of work experience;
  • a solid basis in the English language. The entire Young Professional Program IT is in English.

Apply now for the Young Professional Program IT. The program starts in October, but you can actually start before that. The sooner the better, right? We are welcoming applications now!

Receive the Best

Do you want to be the best you can be? We want to help you achieve that by focusing on your development and investing in an environment where people are always learning. Our employees receive plenty of room for innovation and taking initiative. Rabobank provides Young Professionals with countless opportunities for growth and encourages employees to exceed their own expectations and to do the right thing extraordinarily well.  In addition, Rabobank offers the following employment conditions (based on a 40-hour week):

  • a 13th month's salary and vacation pay;
  • an Employee Benefit Budget (8% of your monthly salary). Employees may use this budget at their own discretion. For example, the EBB can be used to buy extra vacation days or to make an additional deposit in your retirement fund. Employees can also opt to have the EBB paid out to them as part of their monthly salary.
  • In short, the EBB is a personal budget that can be used to pay for activities that benefit your personal development and career;
  • 100% reimbursement of home-work commute by public transportation! Still, prefer to travel by car or motorcycle? Opt for our commuter's allowance instead;
  • a retirement plan with just a 5% employee contribution.

Let’s connect!

Are you the candidate we are looking for? That new colleague who wants to make Rabobank stronger as a Young Professional? Do you want to make a difference in your own life, the lives of our customers and society? Submit your application for this job in Zeist, Utrecht or Eindhoven (depending on the position you get).

Good to know:

  • Act now by clicking the "Solliciteren" button.
  • If you have any questions about this position or the application process, do not hesitate to contact Ujjvala Britto, Recruiter by phone: +31 (0)6 29 23 14 96or by e-mail: [email protected].
  • The application process includes a screening procedure. This procedure is based on the same screening procedure Rabobank uses to assess new employees' reliability and to determine whether they can be assigned employment duties.
  • Candidates will be selected on the basis of their covering letter and CV and invited to an interview.
  • Rabobank takes privacy very seriously. If you would like to know more about our privacy policy, please click https://www.rabobank.com/en/footer/privacy/index.html
  • Everybody is different and it's these differences that help us to be a better bank. That's why we want to learn more about you!

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Wouter Arnoldy - Oud-trainee bij de Rabobank
Kaman Cheng - Oud-trainee bij de Rabobank

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Magalie Carlucci
Afdeling Recruitment

Croeselaan 18
3500 HG Utrecht

06- 22 14 25 62
[email protected]

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