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Management Traineeship bij Fokker Technologies

Sluit: 06-09-2015

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Vergelijkbare vacatures


IT Management Traineeship

Apeldoorn, Leeuwarden, Tilburg
Bedrijf: Achmea
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Esri Technisch Talent Development Program

Bedrijf: Esri Nederland
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Fokker General Management Trainee Program

Job description

The Fokker General Management Trainee Program is a comprehensive 2 year program that consists of on-the-job experience, management skills training and coaching. Our program combines responsible and important job assignments together with practical studies. The rotating assignments cover various aspects of the Fokker Technologies businesses, providing you with broad, international experience aimed at achieving a management position.

Job requirements

Your educational background is a Master’s degree. We prefer a completed Master’s at a University of Technology, or a Master’s degree in a subject related to our business processes. It’s important that you can convince us of your proven affinity with technology. You have approximately 1 year of relevant working experience and you have gained managerial and international experience during your studies and extracurricular activities. You also have proven wide interests in, and the ambition to grow outside, your own subject area. Since your assignments will be within several Fokker companies in the Netherlands and at our international locations, you are willing to work on a co-location basis at different sites. You hold an international driving license and you have knowledge of the Dutch language. Ideally you pursued (parts of) your studies in The Netherlands.

Terms of employment

We offer you a challenging start to your career within an innovative and international environment in which we use state-of-the-art technology in an organization with an unique history in the field of aviation. We offer a competitive remuneration and benefits package. A company car will be provided during your trainee period.

Agency calls not appreciated

Helaas is het hier op dit moment niet mogelijk om te solliciteren op deze vacature. Op de hoogte blijven van vergelijkbare vacatures en horen wanneer het wel mogelijk is te solliciteren? Meld je dan aan voor de Jobagent en mis geen vacature meer! 

Vergelijkbare vacatures


Trainee projectmanagement Inclusive Fieldlab

Bedrijf: Amfors Groep
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Traineeship Consultancy

Bedrijf: PMT Groep
Bekijk deze vacature

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Fokker Technologies

Onno Wolkenfelt
Manager Technical Resources

Industrieweg 4
3351 LB Papendrecht

+31 (0)78 6419466

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